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Works at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. She is an assistant professor in the discipline of Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Informatics. She serves as Plenipotentiary of the AGH Rector for Academic Circles. She is a Certified Academic Tutor, Mentor at the Female2Female Mentoring Foundation, Academic Supervisor of Individualized Study Organization and Promoter of more than 100 projects and theses. In her work, she highly values close cooperation with industry and learning about technological processes. Ms. Doktor’s scientific achievements include numerous commissioned works of a scientific and research nature, expert reports and opinions for the industrial sector. She teaches subjects on the broad topics of Materials Engineering, Stereology, Metallography and Fractography as well as Quality Management Systems and Tools. She specializes in macro- and micro-structural analysis of metallic materials. She is also involved in the Interpretationand qualitative and quantitative analysis of the microstructure of materials after heat, thermo-chemical and thermo-plastic processing. Her research interests are focused on Co-Cr alloys obtained by 3D printing for the dental prosthetics sector.

Ms. Joanna’s personality traits are mainly open-mindedness, always (!) open-minded to new acquaintances, new ideas, ideas, common goals. She emphasizes that each successive topic or project is as important and unique to her each time. She appreciates working with and for people, loves to help and support, and the finale of cooperation must always be mutually beneficial. She invests in personal development in soft skills, and expands her passions in psychology, emotional intelligence or educational kinesiology. In Gallup’s talents, she stands out for qualities such as developing others, responsibility, action strategy and empathy and integration.