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TAURON bets on green energy


TAURON bets on green energy

TAURON is one of the largest business entities in Poland, with 6 million customers connected to the company’s distribution network at its core. The Group’s strategy until 2030 envisages dynamic investments in green assets and sets a path to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. Transformation of the energy mix towards RES combined with investments in energy storage is a development priority for the TAURON Group in the coming years. TAURON is currently building new RES assets with a capacity of more than 360 MW.

The corporation is implementing three photovoltaic projects: a 54 MW Bałków, a 55 MW Proszówki and a 90 MW Postomino. The latter unit will share a power connection with the Marszewo wind farm and is TAURON’s first project implemented under the cable pooling formula. The Proszówek power plant will be commissioned later this year, while Postomino and Balkow will be commissioned in 2025. A second phase of a farm in Mysłowice with a capacity of about 60 MW is also in the pipeline.

Five wind farms with a total capacity of 160 MW are also in the construction phase. Three of them will be put into operation in 2024 – Mierzyn with a capacity of 58 MW, Gamów with a capacity of 33 MW and Warblewo with a capacity of 30 MW. Meanwhile, the first electricity from the Nowa Brzeźnica (20 MW) and Sieradz (24 MW) farms will flow in 2025.

The Group today operates three photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 56 MW (in Jaworzno, Choszczno and Mysłowice). In addition, TAURON also has eleven wind farms. These are installations in Majewo, Piotrków, Zagórz, Wicko, Marszewo, Lipniki, Śniatowo, Mogilno, Inowrocław, Dobrzyń and Gołdap with a total capacity of 417 MW.

At the end of this year, the TAURON Group’s installed capacity in renewable energy sources (RES) will be at least 873 MW, up from 696 MW at the end of 2023.
Investments in RES form the basis of TAURON Group’s transformation, which includes:

  1. 0.7 GW of installed wind power capacity by 2025 and 1.1 GW by 2030,
  2. 0.7 GW of solar power installed capacity by 2025 and 1.4 GW by 2030.

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