Conference “Green heat sources and solid fuels, is a compromise possible?”

Prof. F. Staub’s ZETOM Research and Attestation Plant in Katowice Sp. z o.o. prepared the conference “Ecological heat sources and solid fuels, is a compromise possible?” accompanying the EXPO KATOWICE International Fair.

The program of the conference, held on September 8, 2022, included the topics:

Product responsibility, general product safety.

Certification of green heat sources.

Combustion of solid fuels in ecological heat sources, nitrogen closed loop.

The traditions of Katowice-based ZETOM date back to 1899, making the institution one of the oldest functioning units continuously engaged in product testing and attestation.

ZETOM performs a wide range of services areas covered by accreditation, as well as areas that do not require the participation of EU notified and PCA-accredited bodies. The core business of the company is testing and certification of products, however, the company also provides services in calibration of control and measuring instruments, conformity assessment of machinery or organization of training courses.