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Employees want to change

Abstract concept of business people. Double exposure effects

Employees want to change

The opportunity to acquire new skills is more important to Poles than a promotion. Although it loses out to a pay rise, the results of the Future of Work & Career Development survey published in June, conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Amazon in 10 countries, including Poland, show this.

The expectations and aspirations of many generations have been revised. Recent data shows how much the labour market has changed in recent years. It shows that only two in five (40%) of those surveyed believe that a traditional university degree is as important for career progression as it was 10 years ago. However, 89% of Polish employees consider the acquisition of new skills to be an important factor in improving their professional position, even more important than a promotion (80%). So, as employees, we have become primarily pragmatic. At the same time, Polish employees feel motivated (47%), supported (40%) and valued (38%) as a result of access to career development training.[1].

This is the best evidence that employees want to train, develop and improve their skills, but they also expect their employer not so much to facilitate as to enable them to do so. This distinction is not insignificant – it confirms that the training programmes offered by a potential employer are important.

Let’s take a broader look and see further

-Having organised meetings of industry, with industry and about industry for many years, I have been involved in many discussions about the consequences of the extremely shallow labour market we have in our country. Hence my conviction that we are facing a challenge in the form of retaining the 50+ generation on the labour market. A few months ago, in the pages of the Interia portal, Dr Małgorzata Starczewska-Krzysztoszek from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw[2] spoke about the challenges related to managing the age of employees and competences of people from particular age groups in companies, convincing that this will allow companies to build permanent competitive advantages. And I agree with her completely. In many cases, instead of protecting an employee of pre-retirement age, which can have a demotivating effect on both parties, a broad system of support in developing competencies and acquiring new skills would be better – concludes Iwona Gramatyka, CEO of EXPO Katowice.

Coming back to the Future of Work & Career Development survey – as many as 92% of Polish employees consider the improvement of professional skills as one of the most important things in their work in the coming year. Slightly less, almost 9 out of 10 active Poles, also stress the importance of acquiring new skills, including those that can help them change their career path.

Amazon zainwestuje 40 mln euro w szkolenia swoich pracowników – Polski Przemysł, dostęp: 22.06.2024.

Amazon będzie szkolić polskich pracowników. Przeznacza na ten cel niebagatelną sumę – handelextra.pl, dostęp: 22.06.2024.

Mocna strona polskich pracowników. Firmy mogą na niej skorzystać – rp.pl, dostęp: 22.06.2024.

[1] Amazon będzie szkolić polskich pracowników. Przeznacza na ten cel niebagatelną sumę – handelextra.pl, dostęp: 22.06.2024.

[2] „Pracujcie jak najdłużej” – zachęcają. Ale kto chce zatrudniać osoby 50+? – Interia Biznes, dostęp: 22.06.2024.

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