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5th Polish Mining Congress

Polski Kongres Górniczy

5th Polish Mining Congress

From September 6 to 7, the 5th Polish Mining Congress was held as part of the EXPO KATOWICE – International Trade Fair for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy. The event was coordinated by the Silesian University of Technology.

The Polish Mining Congress is the most important forum for representatives of science and industry in the broad area of mining. Last year’s congress was a unique event where current problems of the mining industry and the challenges facing the 21st century mining industry were discussed.

The congress also dealt with topics concerning metallic and rock raw materials, as KGHM Polska Miedź SA was the strategic partner of the event.

More than 20 experts from the Silesian University of Technology took part in the debates, and there were also scientists from other universities that educate on profiles related to the mining industry, including AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and Wroclaw University of Technology. The entire congress, in turn, was held under the motto: “The mining industry of the 21st century – how to search for, extract and process mineral and energy resources while protecting the climate and environment?”.

The organizer of the 5th Polish Mining Congress was the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation of the Silesian University of Technology and the Foundation for the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation of the Silesian University of Technology, based in Gliwice.

For more information, visit https://pkg.edu.pl/

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