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Green industry, green deal – the future of industry

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Green industry, green deal – the future of industry

Green industry and green governance are becoming key pillars of the future of the industrial sector. The sustainability movement is not only a response to society’s growing environmental awareness, but also to changing regulations and pressure from consumers and investors. To balance economic growth and environmental protection, industrial companies are being forced to rethink their operations, business models, and innovation strategies.

Redefining production processes

Green industry is based on the principles of a closed-loop economy, the idea of using resources efficiently and minimizing the environmental impact of operations. This requires redesigning production processes, which means adopting circular production methods that treat raw materials and products as resources that can be reused or recycled.

Philips, a global technology leader, has made an ambitious commitment to design all its products with a full life cycle in mind. The company focuses on the use of easily recoverable and recyclable materials, as well as the introduction of take-back programs for used products.

Embracing technological innovation

Technological innovation plays a key role in the transformation to a green industry. The development and implementation of advanced recycling technologies, renewable energy sources, and digital tools for more efficient resource management are cornerstones of this transformation.

Tesla is revolutionizing the automotive industry by investing in the development of electric cars and energy storage systems. These efforts not only reduce dependence on fossil fuels, but also open up new possibilities for sustainable mobility. By transforming itself from a fossil fuel company to a leader in wind energy production, Orsted is demonstrating how a fundamental business shift can contribute to decarbonization and support global climate goals.

Fostering a sustainable supply chain

Going green requires companies to be transparent and accountable throughout the supply chain. Initiatives such as Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency make it possible to track the origin of raw materials and assess their environmental impact.

One example is Nestlé, one of the world’s largest food companies, which aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This requires profound changes not only in its internal operations, but also in the practices of its global suppliers. This approach is driving investment in sustainable agricultural practices, energy efficiency and packaging innovation, demonstrating how a sustainable supply chain can contribute to climate goals.

The importance of green finance

Access to green finance is a key element in enabling companies to implement ambitious environmental management projects. Green bonds, sustainable investments and other financial instruments are becoming increasingly available. They provide companies with the necessary funds to invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency and other sustainable initiatives.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has been at the forefront of this development, providing financing for projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the environment and promote sustainable growth and innovation.

Challenges and opportunities

While green industry and green governance offer a promising outlook for the future of the industrial sector, they also present challenges. These include the need for significant investment, technological adaptation and changes in organizational culture. Companies that successfully integrate sustainability principles into their operations can not only reduce their negative environmental impact. They can also gain a competitive advantage, improve their reputation, and increase customer and employee engagement.

Executive summary

Green industry and green governance are not only the answer to the climate crisis, but also an opportunity to build a more sustainable and resilient future for the industrial sector. However, this requires cooperation at all levels – from policymakers and business leaders to consumers and local communities. The discussion on this topic is crucial and should continue in order to jointly shape a future that is both green and prosperous. By engaging in these discussions and taking concrete action, the B2B Group can play a critical role in this transformation and lead the industry towards a sustainable future.

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