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Lights of industrial revolution


Lights of industrial revolution

In the glow of the rising sun, gently illuminating the tops of former industrial towers, an era of new consciousness begins. For a few days, Katowice, a city with a rich mining and metallurgical history, will become the stage for the KATOWICE International Trade Fair for Mining, Energy and Metallurgy, attracting visionaries and innovators from all over the world. Here, together, they will write new chapters in the history of sustainable development and planet-friendly technologies. The show becomes a symbol of transformation, underscoring that even at the heart of traditional industry lies the potential for a green future.

With roots dating back to the 1980s, the fair has evolved over time from a local event to an international platform for dialogue. With each successive edition, more entrepreneurs from around the world came to showcase innovations that would change the face of the industry. The show became a place where every detail had a story – a story of transformation, courage, and the pursuit of a better world.

KATOWICE 2011: Upper Silesia welcomes the future of industry

The year 2011 opened a new chapter in the history of the KATOWICE International Trade Fair for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy and became a testament to the unwavering belief in the power of innovation and cooperation. At a time when the world is grappling with economic and environmental challenges, more than 400 exhibitors from 15 countries around the world gathered in Katowice to share a vision of the future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand.

Against the backdrop of the resounding mining anthem that opened the show, conversations were taking place that will shape the future of the industry. They were conversations about courage, determination and constant innovation to bring the world solutions that will allow industrial development to coexist harmoniously with care for the planet.

Debates with academics, politicians and industry experts, such as the European Union Energy Policy Conference, provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences. These moments of passion and commitment to finding solutions for future generations underscored the importance of dialog and collaboration in shaping a sustainable future.[1]

WFrom cutting-edge technologies to advanced energy efficiency solutions, the exhibitors’ presentations painted a picture of an industry that is not only adapting to a changing world, but actively working for a better tomorrow.

The 2011 show in Katowice was a reminder that even in the face of global challenges, the human spirit of innovation and cooperation can create a future that is both growing and sustainable. It was an edition of the show that not only celebrated the industry’s achievements, but also highlighted our shared responsibility for the world we live in and want to live in for as long as possible.[2]

KATOWICE 2013: New horizons and challenges

In 2013, the KATOWICE International Trade Fair for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy reopened its doors to attract industry leaders in search of forward-looking solutions for the sector. The year was marked by a special moment when the Polish Prime Minister personally inaugurated the event, emphasizing the importance of heavy industry for the national economy and expressing strong support for investment in research and technology.

This year brought a clear message about the need for innovation and adaptation in the face of growing environmental and economic challenges. Discussions at the show focused on the future of coal-fired power generation, with an emphasis on modern technologies and methods that can reduce the industry’s environmental impact while ensuring energy stability.[3]

The Prime Minister’s visit and announcements of support for the sector were extremely important for an industry that has been facing challenges. The event marked a turning point, mobilizing further efforts towards innovation and sustainability. Exhibitors, both Polish and international, sent a clear message about their commitment to the future of the industry, which is ready for a transformation towards a greener and more sustainable energy industry.

2013 was also a year when the show attracted significant international media and industry attention, confirming its position as a key event for the mining and energy industry not only in Poland, but also in Europe. They attracted a wide range of participants – from technology start-ups to industry giants – proving their importance as a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and best practices.

As the world grapples with how to reconcile economic development and environmental protection, Katowice was a place where these two perspectives found common ground. It was a reminder that the future of industry lies in innovations that respect the planet and its resources.[4]

KATOWICE 2015: The way to a sustainable future

In 2015, when the coal industry was experiencing one of the biggest crises in its history, the KATOWICE International Trade Fair for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy became the place to showcase not only the latest technical developments, but also a remarkable demonstration of the resilience and innovation of the sector. In the face of challenges, the exhibition has grown to unprecedented proportions, becoming the largest edition in its 30-year history.

The year 2015 witnessed a paradoxical increase in interest in the mining sector. Perhaps this was due to a concerted search for answers to the question of how the coal industry can adapt to changing economic and environmental realities. Exhibitors from around the world, including for the first time equipment manufacturers from France, Belgium and even Greece, came to Katowice to showcase their latest technologies and solutions that have the potential to revolutionize the industry.

The 2015 edition of the fair showed that, despite the crisis, the mining industry is not standing still, but is actively seeking new ways of development. The Carboautomatics Group, known for its innovative solutions, presented products not only for the mining industry, but also for the energy, heating and other sectors, reflecting the growing trend towards diversification of the activities of companies related to the mining industry. related to the mining industry.[5]

This edition also saw a growing interest in safety and productivity in the mining industry, which was reflected in the many innovations presented at the show. From advanced monitoring systems to new machinery and equipment technologies, the show became an arena for the presentation of forward-looking solutions aimed not only at increasing efficiency but also at improving working conditions in the sector.

KATOWICE 2015 demonstrated that even in the most challenging of times, the mining industry can come together to find new ways to develop and innovate. This was a testament not only to the sector’s resilience to external shocks, but also to its ability to adapt and strive for continuous improvement. In the face of global challenges related to climate and changing energy markets, the show in Katowice sent a strong signal that the mining industry is ready for the future, with all its uncertainties.[6]

KATOWICE 2017: Industry in the digital age

In 2017, Katowice Fair took on a whole new dimension, ushering in a new era for the mining, energy and steel industries. From the moment nearly three hundred exhibitors from all corners of the world began setting up their stands on 30,000 square meters of exhibition space, it was clear, that this edition would be more than just a trade show. It was an event that would define the future of the industry, and everyone on this vast exhibition platform seemed to emphasize their readiness to face the challenges ahead.

2017 was a time when the world began to think more seriously than ever about the energy transition and its impact on traditional economic sectors. The exhibition in Katowice responded to these considerations, not only presenting the latest developments in mining and metallurgy, but also opening the debate on the role of coal in the era of green energy. Among the exhibits were advanced technologies to improve workplace safety, innovative machinery and solutions to minimize the industry’s negative impact on the environment.

It was in 2017, at the fair in Katowice, that the message that the future of mining must be based on sustainable development and harmony with the ecology appeared for the first time with such force. Presentations by companies such as Famur Group pointed to a new path for the sector – investment in clean technologies, process automation and integration with renewable energy sources. Discussions and thematic panels at the show focused on how these changes will affect the future of the industry and how best to take advantage of the coming changes for growth and development.

The honorary patronage of the event by key figures from the Polish government and industry leaders underscored the importance of the show in shaping the country’s energy policy. It was a moment when the mining, energy and metallurgical industries demonstrated not only their strength and potential, but also an even greater awareness of their responsibility for the future of the planet.

KATOWICE 2017 thus became a symbol of transformation – not only technological, but also of awareness. It was a testimony to the fact that industry, traditionally associated with heavy environmental burdens, is capable of taking up the challenge of sustainable development and leading the change towards a better future. [7]


Over the years, the International Exhibition for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy in Katowice, Poland, has not only showcased the latest technological advances, but also provided a venue for stimulating discussions and debates on the future of the industry. Its evolution from a local event to a global platform for dialogue is a testament not only to technological advances, but also to the industry’s commitment to shaping a sustainable future.

Hope, determination and a willingness to adapt to changing realities have been evident in every edition of the fair. Katowice Fair has become a symbol of industrial transformation, underlining that innovation, cooperation and environmental awareness are key factors for a better future for our planet and our industry.


[1] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 35 (880), 2011 r., „Górnicza stolica”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/223323

[2] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 35 (880), 2011 r., „Największe w Europie”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/223323

[3] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 37 (986), 2013 r., „Nowoczesne górnictwo, silna gospodarka”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/223454

[4] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 36 (985), 2013 r., „Super technologie zawładną Spodkiem”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/223453

[5] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 35 (1088), 2015 r., „Festiwal górnictwa”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/223562

[6] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 36 (1089), 2015 r., „Przemysł zawładnął Katowicami”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/223563

[7] Trybuna Górnicza, nr 34 (1192), 2017 r., „Górnicze targi w cieniu Spodka”, dostęp na 26.03.2024: https://www.sbc.org.pl/publication/311005

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