From an environmental perspective, it is much better to retrofit existing buildings than to build new ones, the authors of many articles and studies argue. Much of this is true, especially when you consider that modernization requires fewer building materials and results in a smaller carbon footprint.
However, it’s important to know that a well-done renovation is a necessity, which means that we have to choose between modern technologies on the one hand and solutions that may require more money on the other. This is because we are betting on long-term benefits that can only be expected to bring savings over time and make us largely independent of many external factors.
It’s important to know how to choose, and that’s why we are inviting you to the fall EcoDom 2024 fair. On … in Katowice’s Spodek, suppliers of the best technologies in the field of environmental protection, construction and energy efficiency solutions will present themselves.
A. Kazimierowicz, Nowelizacja dyrektywy budynkowej EPBD – ważne zmiany dla branży budowlanej,, dostęp: 22.04.2024.