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Mining Tribune: A good outlook for mining


Mining Tribune: A good outlook for mining

In September, the Mining Tribune published an article titled: World economies will need raw materials, including thermal and coking coal.

The article focuses on the growing role of thermal and coking coal and other mineral resources in the emerging digital economy and the new generation of portable electronic devices. It stresses that despite advances in electromobility and renewable energy sources, demand for traditional raw materials, including coal, continues to grow. The article points to the increase in global coal consumption and notes the need for sustainable mining and investment in new technologies that improve mine worker safety and mining efficiency. It also emphasizes the need for investment in sustainable mining and adaptation of the mining industry to reduce emissions and carbon footprint.

The article also provides information on investment plans of Polish mining companies and announces an exhibition at the EXPO KATOWICE International Trade Fair in 2024.

The article can be read here: https://nettg.pl/gornictwo/199377/gospodarkom-swiatowym-potrzebne-beda-surowce-w-tym-wegiel-energetyczny-i-koksowy

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