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EcoDom 2024


EcoDom 2024

In the first days of May, an amendment to the Regulation on Technical Requirements for Buildings and their Location was submitted to the Minister of Development and Technology for signature. Among other things, the new regulation is intended to allow a wider use of wooden elements in the construction of buildings.

The new regulations, which will come into effect three months after the decree is signed, will allow, among other things, the use of wood in the construction of public buildings and apartment buildings up to five stories above ground. As a result of the amended regulation, the existing fire safety requirements will continue to apply.

A return to wood as the main building material, Onet reported last year, could prove to be the most important contribution to the fight against the effects of global warming. The more we build with wood, the more CO2 we sequester. For example, one cubic meter of wood binds 88 kg of carbon dioxide – a negative carbon footprint developed over the years as the tree grew. In comparison, 1 meter of concrete releases up to 82 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere[1].

Among other things, we would like to discuss the future of prefabricated wood construction at our fall meeting in the EcoDom. Also because such construction definitely means less waste, less noise and definitely less emissions. In the search for new, environmentally friendly technologies, it is sometimes worth taking a look at proven models and solutions.

In 2024, the Katowice EXPO will be accompanied by the EcoDom International Fair, which will present machinery, equipment and technologies for the use of solar, wind, water, biomass and geothermal energy.

[1] Onet, https://www.onet.pl/informacje/adam-bialas/tajemnica-sukcesu-szerokiego-wykorzystania-drewna-w-budowlance-tkwi-w-nowoczesnej/g7gkj06,30bc1058.

Zmiana przepisów budowlanych pozwoli na szersze wykorzystanie drewna – DREWNO.PL

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