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Green transformation of cities with funds from the NIP


Green transformation of cities with funds from the NIP

The facility is funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Program (NRP). It will benefit local government units (LGUs) and municipal corporations, among others. The funds can be used, for example, for investments in green spaces or thermal upgrades and renewable energy sources (RES). The project has a budget of PLN 40 billion. The loans can be used by, among others, local governments, municipal companies, housing sector entities (e.g. cooperatives), universities or cultural institutions.

In line with the name “Green Transformation of Cities”, all projects that directly implement this goal are eligible – from projects related to greening, i.e. creating green areas, deconstructing spaces, to projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, traffic calming, improving air quality. In fact, these opportunities are very large and the purpose of the eligible projects is widely spread – said Paweł Chorąży, Director of the European Funds Department at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, in an interview with PortalSamorzadowy.pl.

The minimum value of an application is PLN 2 million and the maximum is PLN 500 million. An application may include several investments, which, if successful, may be financed under separate loan agreements; the loan may also finance projects that have already been started or even completed, as long as their implementation has not started before 1.2.2020.

The call for applications is open and will continue until the funds are exhausted.

A free webinar for local government representatives will be held next Tuesday, May 14. During the meeting, BGK will present the assumptions and conditions of the loan and answer questions from participants – link to the registration page to participate: Webinar: Loan to support green transformation of cities (twoj-event.co.uk).

Source: Loan to support green transformation of cities – BGK

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