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EXPO Katowice S.A.

Category: EcoDom

ogniwa termofotowoltaiczne_Uniwersytet Michigan.jpg

Technological breakthroughs

Nowy konwerter ciepła na energię elektryczną osiągnął rekordową sprawność 44%, w porównaniu do średniej sprawności turbiny parowej wynoszącej około 35%.
investments in poland

Investment boom in Poland - which provinces are leading the way?

Discover which Polish provinces are leading the investment race and which projects are shaping the country's future!

Green transformation of cities with funds from the NIP

Discover how the National Recovery Plan is supporting the green transformation of cities by investing 40 billion in sustainable development!

EcoDom 2024

Discover new opportunities in the construction industry: the change in regulations allows for greater use of wood, contributing to sustainable development and reducing CO2 emissions!
renowacja lepsza niż budowa

Renovate better than build

Retrofit, don't build new - learn how building retrofits can help protect the environment, reduce your carbon footprint, and provide long-term benefits!

Prefabrication and sustainable building

Discover how prefabricated products are revolutionizing sustainable construction, providing speed of construction and less environmental impact!